Special Olympics

The Special Olympics, founded in 1968 by Eunice Shriver in her backyard, is the world’s largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities and physical disabilities, providing year-round training and activities to 5 million participants and Unified Sports partners in 172 countries. Special Olympics competitions are held every day, all around the world — including local, national and regional competitions, adding up to more than 100,000 events a year.

The organization promotes the full inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities into society. Their goal is to change attitudes & perceptions about human potential through sports.

The Lynch family closely identifies with the values of respect and dignity that Special Olympics embodies thanks to their beloved family members with intellectual disabilities. In addition to Carolyn and Peter Co-Chairing the $100M Campaign, all three of the Lynch daughters — Elizabeth, Annie and Mary — volunteered during their teens at a Special Olympics Summer Games. Continuing the family tradition, their oldest granddaughter has been a partner and mentor for a Special Olympic Athlete for three years on the ice skating rink.

Year-round training and activities are provided to 5 million participants and Unified Sports partners in 172 countries. Special Olympics competitions are held every day, all around the world—including local, national and regional competitions, adding up to more than 100,000 events a year. The Special Olympics’ impact on its participants is astounding. The games bring joy, courage, and opportunity to those with intellectual disabilities. Not only that, but it’s easy to see how this incredible organization has a ripple effect on participants’ families and communities

Partnering with The Lynch Foundation

The entire Lynch family has been a part of the Special Olympics for decades. From state to national to international involvement, we have a first-hand understanding of the human impact the Special Olympics provides.

The Lynch Foundation’s leadership on behalf of Special Olympics has included:

  • Co-chairing a $100 million campaign, growing the organization from serving 2 million to 6 million athletes
  • Advocating for the cause at the White House
  • Supporting the expansion of the Special Olympics to launch their Young Athletes program
  • Volunteering in National and State Olympic Games

This partnership has touched over 6 million athletes in 174 countries. We’re so proud that we’ve been able to support this organization and its athletes to promote both our and their missions of human empowerment.

Visit the Special Olympics site for more information